Taking a stand for equal, fair, healthy, well informed decisions and actions that effect "fringe" groups of individuals & the human population as a whole is SO important!
Peaceful gatherings, letter writings & town hall meetings are all very useful tools & outlets to effectively create change & improve existing systems of government at the local, state and nationwide levels.
To ensure the safety & well being of the citizens that depend upon them these systems & programs & to effectively make changes when, where and how they are needed, Advocacy & Outreaches are vital.
Awareness Campaigns are important tools & resources to spread vital information to the general public & for those individuals & families that are struggling to find answers, support and funding to further successful research & develop new strategies to overcome the issues that effect large pockets of the general world population
There are so many important reasons to draw attention to issues that individuals & families face.
Foundations & Organizations provide vital resources, information, support & funding to those who need them.